Photo of Brigitte Bardot

Brigitte Bardot // Serge Gainsbourg

Photo of Sade Adu

Sade Adu // "Whatever I'm doing, I'm in that moment and I'm doing it. The rest of the world's lost."

Photo of Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking // "The downside of my celebrity is that I cannot go anywhere in the world without being recognized. It is not enough for me to wear dark sunglasses and a wig. The wheelchair gives me away."

Photo of Gottfried Helnwein

Gottfried Helnwein // "When I look at a work of art I ask myself: does it inspire me, does it touch and move me, do I learn something from it, does it startle or amaze I get excited, upset? That is the test any artwork has to pass: can it create an emotional impact on a human being even when he has no education or any information about art? I’ve always had a problem with art that you can only understand if you have a degree in art history, and I have a problem with theories. Most of them are bullshit anyway...Real art is intense, enchanting, exciting and unsettling; it has a quality and magic that you cannot explain. Art is not logic, and if you want to experience it, your mind and rational thinking will be of little help. Art is something...that you can only experience with your senses, your heart, your soul."

Photo of Aretha Franklin

Aretha Franklin // "I sing to the realists. People who accept it like it is."

Photo of Charles Eames

Charles Eames // "Choose your corner, pick away at it carefully, intensely and to the best of your ability and that way you might change the world."

Photo of Massimo Vignelli

Massimo Vignelli // "I would define intellectual elegance as a mind that is continually refining itself with education and knowledge. Intellectual elegance is the opposite of intellectual vulgarity. We all know vulgarity very is easier to absorb. Elegance is about education and refinement, and it is a by-product of a continual search for the best and for the sublime."

Photo of Richard Avedon

Richard Avedon // "I've photographed just about everyone in the world. But what I hope to do is photograph people of accomplishment, not celebrity, and help define the difference once again."

Photo of Anouk Aimée

Anouk Aimée // "It's so much better to desire than to have. The moment of desire, when you know something is going to happen – that's the most exalting."

David Bowie // "Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming."

Photo of Herbie Hancock

Herbie Hancock // "I like to be on the edge...or to be into the unknown, into the territory where I have to depend on being in the moment and depending on my instincts."

Photo of Bianca Jagger

Bianca Jagger // "All I know is that I love beautiful things...and the people that create them."