Photo of Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela // "And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Photo of Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet // "I wouldn't dream of working on something that didn't make my gut grumble and my heart want to explode."

Photo of David Hockney

David Hockney // "I live wherever I happen to be."

Photo of George Carlin

George Carlin // "I don't like ass kissers, flag wavers or team players. I like people who buck the system. Individualists. I often warn people: "Somewhere along the way, someone is going to tell you, 'There is no "I" in team.' What you should tell them is, 'Maybe not. But there is an "I" in independence, individuality and integrity.'" Avoid teams at all cost. Keep your circle small. Never join a group that has a name. If they say, "We're the So-and-Sos," take a walk. And if, somehow, you must join, if it's unavoidable, such as a union or a trade association, go ahead and join. But don't participate; it will be your death. And if they tell you you're not a team player, congratulate them on being observant."

Photo of James Agee

James Agee // “Just spunk won't be enough; you've got to have gumption. You've got to bear it in mind that nobody that ever lived is specially privileged; the axe can fall at any moment, on any neck, without any warning or any regard for justice. You've got to keep your mind off of pitying your own rotten luck... You've got to remember that things as bad as this and a hell of a lot worse have happened to millions of people before and that they've come through it and you can too... When something rotten like this happens. Then you have your choice. You start to really be alive, or you start to die. That's all."

Photo of Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol // "The idea is not to live forever, it is to create something that will."

Photo of Vita Sackville-West

Vita Sackville-West // "Is it better to be extremely ambitious, or rather modest? Probably the latter is safer, but I hate safety, and would rather fail gloriously..."

Photo of Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe // "If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have gotten anywhere." --------------------------------------------------------- 🎉👯 30,000 of you!! Thank you for following!!

Photo of José Saramago

José Saramago // "Deep down, I don't create anything. I'm just someone who simply lifts a rock and exposes what's beneath it."

Photo of Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison // "Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined."

Photo of Jim Jarmusch

Jim Jarmusch // "Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent."

Photo of Georges Perec

Georges Perec // "What we need to question is...concrete, glass, our table manners, our utensils, our tools, the way we spend our time, our rhythms. To question that which seems to have ceased forever to astonish us. We live...we breathe...we walk...we sit at a table in order to eat, we lie down on a bed in order to sleep. How? Where? When? Why?"