Mick Jagger // "This isn't the first generation that's questioned the moral values of the last generation. But I think it's one of the first generations which has not had to worry about the material things because if you're hungry, you haven't really got much time to worry about morals. When I say morals, I mean like fighting wars and whether this is right...or right for this society to do that. If your stomach is full of food, you can start worrying about that. People can worry more and they'll have less and less work to do... As the years go on they'll have hardly any work to do because there will be machines to do it for them, which has already happened. And so they'll have to work like four hours a day and the rest of the time they have got to do something else. And that something else isn't going to be what people think. It isn't going to be just jumping around and swimming and just reading books and going to movies get very bored with those things very quickly...I hope it's going to be something good."