Carl Jung // "Whenever we touch nature we get clean. People who have got dirty through too much civilization take a walk in the woods, or a bath in the sea. Entering the unconscious, entering yourself through dreams, is touching nature from the inside and this is the same thing, things are put right again."
Jean-Luc Godard // "He who jumps into the void owes no explanation to those who stand and watch."
Volodymyr Zelenskyy // "We are not playing cards."
Albert Camus // "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."
Anais Nin // "I don’t really want to become normal, average, standard. I want merely to gain in strength, in the courage to live out my life more fully, enjoy more, experience more. I want to develop even more original and more unconventional traits."
Gene Hackman // "The difference between a hero and a coward is one step sideways."
Thelonious Monk // "Play your own way. Don’t play what the public wants. You play what you want and let the public pick up on what you’re doing...even if it does take them fifteen, twenty years."
Bob Dylan // "You’re going to die. You’re going to be dead. It could be 20 years, it could be tomorrow, anytime. So am I. I mean, we’re just going to be gone. The world’s going to go on without us... You do your job in the face of that, and how seriously you take yourself, you decide for yourself."
Robert Redford // "I’m interested in that thing that happens where there’s a breaking point for some people and not for others. You go through such hardship, things that are almost impossibly difficult, and there’s no sign that it’s going to get any better, and that’s the point when people quit. But some don’t."
Carl Jung // "The greatest and most important problems of life are all in a certain sense insoluble... They can never be solved, but only outgrown. This 'outgrowing', as I formerly called it, on further experience was seen to consist in a new level of consciousness. Some higher or wider interest arose on the person’s horizon, and through this widening of view, the insoluble problem lost its urgency. It was not solved logically in its own terms, but faded out when confronted with a new and stronger life-tendency."
Björk // "In my most natural state, I’ll be introverted for say, six days in a row, and then on the seventh day I’ll become very extroverted... Then I’ll have to go back inside myself... It’s something I can’t really control. It’s a bit like the ocean and the tides."
Heath Ledger // "Honesty always gets my attention. Not particularly someone who is honest to me, but someone who is honest with themselves."